Just how long does a job interview take? 30 minutes? 45? An hour maybe?
Or how about 7?
I’m a bit lost with the last part there. Why would you not want to get on the same bus as he did, which got him home 4 minutes earlier, and rather wait an extra 8 minutes?
Still, for somebody who claims they “don’t give a flying fuck” what he does, she certainly talks about enough!
Then, the other half finally arrives back from his ‘interview’
I wonder if they would be successful on Mr and Mr’s?
Seriously though, if you have an agreement with your partner that you have an ‘open’ relationship, you really can’t start questioning them about where they have been.
Or what time they will be back for dinner lol.
maybe watch the video back again, and yourl hear me say i walk DOWN a small foot path and he has to walk UP huge hill/ rd / hence i waited for the bus which was due in 8 mins like any sensible person would rather than walk up a big hill and sweat like a pig lol but ty for the vid was fun watching it back have a good day uk m xxx
maddy i <3 sexychris. Please bring him back. These blogs are desperate for content with sexychris gone 🙁
Erm i know more about maddy’s sex life she uses me often
May god have mercy on your plastic battery powered soul.
hi karl sorry to hear you been unwell hope your feeling better now and on the rd to recovery take care x
Thank you Maddy. Am getting there slowly 🙂